ISSN : 0724 - 3103
Herausgeber ab Band 16 / editor, starting with vol. 16: Guido Drexel
Band 1 - 8 und 10 - 12 und 15 vergriffen / Vol. 1 - 8, 10 - 12 and 15 out of print
Band 18 / Volume 18
Thorsten Trippel
The Lexicon Graph Model
A generic model for multimodal lexicon development
2006 240 p. 41,90 €
ISBN 978-3-922441-90-8
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The goal of this thesis is to provide a model and framework for lexicons that can be corpus based and contain multimodal information. The focus is more from the lexicon theory perspective, looking
at the underlying data structures that are part of existing lexicons and corpora. Before getting into the details of this study, it is necessary to define the lexicon.
The lexicon is the place to turn to when unknown words, strange orthography, or pronunciation make one curious. Lexicons are available in different formats and versions, for different purposes and
for multiple applications. They cannot be restricted to one medium but can lexicons may contain other media. Widely known are pictures and diagrams, but electronic versions also contain audio and
video samples. Some users of these lexicons are not even human, but computer programs that need to access lexicon databases for human-machine communication. Talking about lexicons in the field of
Natural Language Processing requires a definition of both, lexicon and Natural Language Processing.
The term lexicon in linguistics and artificial intelligence is used in different ways, including traditional print dictionaries in book form, CD-ROM editions, Web based versions of the same, but also
computerized resources of similar structures to be used by applications. These applications cover systems for human-machine communication as well as spell checkers. The term lexicon in this work is
used as the most generic term covering all lexical applications.
Band 17 / Volume 17
Kerstin Fischer
What Computer Talk Is and Isn't
Human Computer Conversation as Intercultural Communication
2006, 165 p. 29,90 €
ISBN 978-3-922441-89-2
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This study sheds light on the nature of speech addressed to automatic speech processing systems. On the basis of a broad range of empirical data from human-computer and human-robot
interactions in different situations, the current volume accounts for the observable linguistic behaviour of different user groups by explaining the properties of 'computer talk' on the basis of the
general conceptual and interactional mechanisms involved. It therefore contributes to our understanding of situational variation in general and allows predicting user behaviour in novel
human-computer situations in particular.
Band 16 / Volume 16
Johann Vielberth, Guido Drexel (Eds.)
Linguistic Cultural Identity and International Communication -
Maintaining Language Diversity in the Face of Globalization
Proceedings of the First International Conference on the COD System of Communication, held in Munich, Germany, January 25th, 2003
2003, 220 p. 14,- €
ISBN 978-3-922441-81-6
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Band 13 / Volume 13
Johannes Ritzke
Die französische Präpositionalphrase und ihre automatische Analyse
1986, 208 S. 24,- €
ISBN 978-3-922441-56-4
Präpositionalphrasen sind im Französischen besonders häufig und bereiten grundsätzliche Schwierigkeiten, da sie in Bezug auf Funktion und Bedeutung mehrdeutig sein können. Es wird ein
funktionstüchtiges Analysesystem vorgestellt, das in der Lage ist, Syntax und Semantik der Präpositionalphrasen zu beschreiben und Ambiguitäten zu vereindeutigen.
Das System steht im Rahmen eines sprachenpaarbezogenen Übersetzunsgsystems Französisch-Deutsch.
Band 9 / Volume 9
Hans Fix, Annely Rothkegel, Erwin Stegentritt (Hrsg.)
Sprachen und Computer
Festschrift zum 75. Geburtstag von Hans Eggers, 9. Juli 1982
1982, 430 S. 30,- €
ISBN 978-3-922441-27-4
Die Computerlinguistik in Deutschland ist eng mit dem Namen des Germanisten Hans Eggers verknüpft. [Aus dem Vorwort]